CHEMISTRY 2018-2019


fourth year 2018 - 2019 chemistry revision
jack lin
Mind Map by jack lin, updated more than 1 year ago
jack lin
Created by jack lin about 5 years ago

Resource summary

CHEMISTRY 2018-2019
  1. organic
    1. carbon compounds
      1. crude oils
        1. alkanes
          1. fractional distilations
            1. cracking alkenes
              1. burning hydrocarbons
                1. abundance of o2
                  1. produce CO2 and H2O
                  2. limited o2
                    1. produces CO and H2O
                    2. not enough o2
                      1. produces CO and H2O
                  3. alkenes and alcohols
                    1. alkenes
                      1. alkene reactions
                        1. alcohols
                      2. bonding
                        1. metalic
                          1. covalent
                            1. sharing electron
                              1. in group 5 - 7
                            2. ionic
                              1. electrolysis
                                1. cathode
                                  1. attracts cations
                                  2. anode
                                    1. attracts anions
                                    2. used to extract ores more reactive than carbon
                                    3. metal bonding with non-metals
                                      1. cations
                                        1. anions
                                          1. reacting with carbon
                                            1. used to extract ores less reactive than carbon
                                          2. moles
                                            1. endo / exo
                                              1. endo
                                                1. reactants have more energy than products
                                                  1. released energy ad the reaction progresses
                                                  2. exo
                                                    1. absorbs energy as reaction proggresses
                                                      1. products have more energy than reactants
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