
Notes about the CPU
Sean Daly
Mind Map by Sean Daly, updated more than 1 year ago
Sean Daly
Created by Sean Daly over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. parts of a CPU
    1. Control Unit
      1. Uses electrical signals to direct the system to direct the system to execute instructions in stored programs.
      2. Algorithmic and logic unit
        1. Carries out all arithmatic and logical functions like: addition, subtraction and comparrisons.
        2. Cache
          1. High speed memory that stores the programs and instructions being used next by the CPU
        3. Fetch- Execute cycle
          1. Other resources (see atatchments)


            1. What is the CPU ?
              1. The CPU processes all the information and makes the PC work. The CPU is basicly the brain of the PC, it makes it think, perform functions and respond to human input.
                1. The CPU is a small chip that sits on the motherboard. There is normally something covering it like a heat sink or fan, Sometimes even both.

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