The Archaeologist


aileen Mc
Mind Map by aileen Mc, updated more than 1 year ago
aileen Mc
Created by aileen Mc almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Archaeologist
  1. 1. Study objects from the past
    1. Bones / Coins / Jewellery / Clothing
    2. 2. Work on an excavation site
      1. Fence it off / Divide into grids
      2. 3. Topsoil is removed
        1. Slow job / Painstaking
          1. Record & photograph all objects & details
        2. 4. Instruments used
          1. Trowel / Sieve / Brush / Polythene Bags / Photographic Scales
            1. Careful not to damage artefacts
          2. 5. Date objects
            1. 4 Ways
              1. Carbon 14 Dating / Dendrochronology / Pollen analysis / Stratigraphy
            2. 6. Uses of artefacts
              1. Stored in Museums
                1. Tourism
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