"What if there were no school?"


SB1 first day back to school 2015
Beverley Rodgers
Mind Map by Beverley Rodgers, updated more than 1 year ago
Beverley Rodgers
Created by Beverley Rodgers over 9 years ago

Resource summary

"What if there were no school?"
  1. We would be able to stay at home all day
    1. ...and we would be so bored.
      1. we would be free to do whatever we wanted
        1. So we could spend more time on our computers
          1. ...but we probably wouldn't have computer skills
            1. We could teach ourselves
              1. It would be like survival of the fittest
                1. ...and death to the uninterested!
            2. We could even get a job if we wanted to
              1. Are you crazy! I'm only 13.
        2. We could practice sport all day long
          1. ....and we would all be really healthy
        3. We would not realise our full potential
          1. So our world wouldn't develop
            1. ....and we wouldn't widen our horizons
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