Sawm RS


Izzy Fry
Mind Map by Izzy Fry, updated more than 1 year ago
Izzy Fry
Created by Izzy Fry over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Sawm RS
  1. There are many good reasons for Sawm such as:
    1. Learning what poorer people have to go through everyday.
      1. Appreciating what God has given us.
      2. Self-discipline
        1. Obeying God.
          1. Sawm is intended to teach Muslims patience and self-control.
          2. During the 29/30 days of Ramadan all adult Muslims must give up the following things during thew hours of daylight
            1. Any kind of food or drink
              1. Any kind of smoking (including passive smoking)
                1. Sexual activity
                  1. Muslims who are physically or mentally unwell may be excused. Some of these may be:
                    1. Under the age of 12 or the very old.
                      1. Those who are pregnant, breast-feeding or menstuating
                        1. Muslims that are travelling
                          1. If an adult does not fast they should make up for it at a later date or donate to the poor
                        2. When and what can you eat during Ramadan.
                          1. During Ramadan many Muslims try to eat a large meal called 'suhur' just before dawn.
                            1. When daylight is over most Muslims break or open the fast with dates or water, following the example of Prophet Muhammad before having a proper meal later
                            2. Eid ul-Fitr The end of Ramadan ends with a festival called Eid ul-Fitr
                              1. This is marked by dressing up and visiting the Mosque for a prayer.
                                1. A lot of Muslims also visit friends and family for celebratory meals.
                                2. When is Ramadan?
                                  1. Because Islam uses a lunar calendar, Ramadan usually comes around roughly 11 days earlier each year.
                                    1. For example Ramadan in 2018 was from 16th May to 14th June. In 2019 Ramadan is from the 5th May to 4th June.
                                      1. Ramadan is in the 9th month of the Islamic calendar.
                                    2. The Qu'ran
                                      1. During Ramadan Muslims should read the Qu'ran.
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