Purchasing Opportunities in Pilgrim's Website


Mind Map on Purchasing Opportunities in Pilgrim's Website, created by Joshua “Latymerm on 12/01/2015.
Joshua “Latymerm
Mind Map by Joshua “Latymerm, updated more than 1 year ago
Joshua “Latymerm
Created by Joshua “Latymerm over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Purchasing Opportunities in Pilgrim's Website
  1. Merchandise on the 'Store' page
    1. Slide on the banner, on the homepage, linking to the store
      1. Discount code 'TTTN' (Talk Through The Night) for 20% off in the Pilgrim store
        1. Consistent Links to Amazon and iTunes in the Header
          1. Advert for Pilgrim's album in homepage news feed, linking to the Pilgrim store
            1. Links to Ticketmaster to buy tickets for Pilgrim's tour, on tour page
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