Film Ideas


Mind Map on Film Ideas, created by Georgiaa17 on 15/01/2015.
Mind Map by Georgiaa17, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Georgiaa17 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Film Ideas
  1. Idea One
    1. Characters
      1. Femme Fatale
        1. Male
          1. Male's girlfriend
          2. Girlfriend dies - overdoses
            1. Femme Fatale gives her the drugs
              1. Male doesn't know till the end
                1. Flashback to when she gives his girlfriend the drugs and she takes too much
            2. Male goes onto a group on facebook to help deal with the death
              1. Meets the Femme Fatale and they meet in person
                1. Femme Fatale tries to act innocent and help the male
                  1. She runs away when he finds out what shes done
            3. Idea Two
              1. male protagonist's girlfriend gets kidnapped by two people in masks
                1. tries to find out when they've taken her
                  1. femme fatale is involved with the kidnap but he doesn't realise
                    1. the femme fatale is the woman in the mask
                      1. flashback to show he has figured it out when she says the location of the kidnapping
                        1. ends with him confronting the Femme Fatale
                          1. Femme Fatale walks away leaving a piece of paper with an address
                    2. piece together who she was with on the night
                      1. asks her friends on facebook
                        1. Then I don't have to have lots of characters which would make the storyline too complicated
                        2. calls people she talks to
                          1. find out she is with femme fatale
                      2. Characters
                        1. male
                          1. femme fatale
                            1. girlfriend
                              1. one man in a mask
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