Topics 12-14 Mindmap


Shelly Tubbs All
Mind Map by Shelly Tubbs All, updated more than 1 year ago
Shelly Tubbs All
Created by Shelly Tubbs All over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Topics 12-14 Mindmap
  1. Topic 12, Chapter 13
    1. Piety and Dissent
      1. Doctrine and reform
        1. Two Traditions: 1.Church essential intermediary in god, love him
        2. The quest for reform
          1. Savonarola
            1. reform in spain
            2. The Lutheran Reformation
              1. The Spread of Protestantism
                1. The Catholic Revival
                2. Topic 13, Chapter 14
                  1. Expansion overseas
                    1. Expansion at home
                      1. The centralization of political power
                        1. the splintered states
                          1. the new statecraft
                          2. Topic 1, Chapter 15
                            1. Rivalry and war in the age of philip II
                              1. from unbounded war to international crisis
                                1. The military revolution
                                  1. revolution in England
                                    1. Revolts in France and Spain
                                      1. Political change in an age of crisis
                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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