

Componentes Securitização Buzaan
luis Cordeiro
Mind Map by luis Cordeiro, updated more than 1 year ago
luis Cordeiro
Created by luis Cordeiro over 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Militar
    1. OR: Estado, podendo variar
    2. Político
      1. OR: princípios ou ideologias
      2. Economico
        1. OR: normas e leis de mercado
        2. Societal
          1. OR: coletivos independentes do Estado (p.ex: religião)
          2. Ambiental
            1. OR: varia de objetos reais a ideias
            2. " the move that takes politics beyond the stablished rules of the game and frames the issue either as a special kind of politics or as aboves politics." p.23
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