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Mind Map by wainwrightbm1206, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by wainwrightbm1206 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. 1. Initiation
    1. which caused by damage to the tissues, either by trauma or as a result of microbial multiplication.
    2. 2. CHemotaxis
      1. Attraction of WBCs or other cells by chemicals
      2. 3. Opsonization
        1. Coating of a pathogen by substances to enhance phagocytosis
          1. Opsonins are factors that include antibodies and complement components in plasma that coat pathogens and facilitate phagocytosis
            1. Opsonins are also known as the Fe portion of antidbody and C3
            2. 4. Adherence
              1. Firm contact between phagocyte and microorg
                1. works well for whole bacteria or viruses but less for proteins or encapsulated bacteria
                2. 5. Engulfment
                  1. Into Cytoplasm and enclosed in a vacuole
                  2. 6. Digestion
                    1. Enzyamtic contents in vacuole destroy the microorg.
                    2. The engulfment of cells or particulate matter by neutrophils and macrophages.
                      1. There are two major cells that use Phagocytosis to remove pathogens in which are Polymorphonuclear cells and Mononuclear cells.
                        1. Polymorphonuclear Cells
                          1. 1. Neutrophils
                            1. 2. Basophils
                              1. 3. Eosinophils
                              2. Are smaller cells, more abundant than macrophages and travel quickly to a site of injury "MOMMIE Reaction CELL" to gobble up any infecting bacteria that may have entered/
                            2. Mononuclear Cells
                              1. 1. Monocytes in the Plasma
                                1. 2. Macrophages in tissues
                                  1. These are large immune cells that patrol the body looking for invaders or dead cells. They also travel through bloodstream to seekout cells to devour
                                    1. Also are Efficient Phagocytes
                                  2. DIfferentiated Phagocytes
                                    1. Each Monocyte s specific to an organ, they remian in that organ to patrol and attacak and invaders that enter that specific organ.
                            3. Extra NOte: Various molecules of the IS collaborate with the INNATE IS's cells
                              1. Is a type of Endocytosis
                                1. Endocystosis is the process in which a cell absorbs a particle, molecule, bacterium or other type of matter by engulfing them.
                                2. Engulfs the larger, solid particles, most the time it is another cell.
                                  1. Involves Ingestion and digestion of
                                    1. Microorganisms
                                      1. Insoluble particles
                                        1. Damaged or Dead host cells
                                          1. Cell Debris
                                            1. Activated clotting Factors
                                    2. The speed of phagocytosis can be increased markedly by bringing tino action two attachment devices present on the surface of phagocytic cells:
                                      1. Fe Receptor: which binds the Fe portion of antibody molecules, chiefly IgG. The IgG will have attached the organism via its Fab site.
                                        1. Complement Receptor: The third component of complement (C3) also binds to organisms and then attaches to the complement receptor.
                                        2. "phago" EAT!!!!!!
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