B4 - The Processes of Life


Biology (B4) Mind Map on B4 - The Processes of Life, created by Matthew Jones on 05/09/2013.
Matthew Jones
Mind Map by Matthew Jones, updated more than 1 year ago
Matthew Jones
Created by Matthew Jones over 10 years ago

Resource summary

B4 - The Processes of Life
  1. Plants and Animals Cells
    1. Simimlarities
      1. Nucleus
        1. Cytoplasm
          1. Cell Membrane
            1. Mitochondria
            2. Differences
              1. Rigid Cell Wall (Plants)
                1. Vacuole (Plants)
                  1. Chloroplast (Plants)
                2. Yeast are single celled microorganisms
                  1. Bacteria have a simple cell structure
                    1. They don't have a nucleus or any Mitochondria
                    2. Enzymes
                      1. ENZYMES are proteins that SPEED UP CHEMICAL REACTIONS
                        1. Chemical reactions usually involve things either being split apart or joined together
                          1. A substrate is a molecule that is changed in a reaction
                            1. Every enzyme molecule has an active site
                              1. Enzymes only speed up one reaction. This is because the substrate has to be the correct shape to fit into the active site
                                1. This is called the "Lock and Key" model as the substrate fits into the enzyme like a key fits into a lock
                          2. Enzymes need the right temperature and pH for the to work at their optimum
                            1. If the the temperature and pH are too high or low for the enzyme then it will denature and the substrate will not fit into it
                          3. Respiration
                            1. Enter text here
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