Formation of Contract


Business Law
Cheryl cadeline
Mind Map by Cheryl cadeline, updated more than 1 year ago
Cheryl cadeline
Created by Cheryl cadeline about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Formation of Contract
  1. Requirements
    1. Consideration
      1. the agreement must be supported by consideration
        1. there must be an exchange of something
        2. 5 Rules
          1. Must have same economic value
            1. Must be Sufficient but need not be adequate
              1. May not = to promise but if something is given in return in a promise = agreement
              2. Must not be past
                1. Performance of existing obligation cannot be considered as further promise
                  1. can life guard ask $ from u after saving your life?
                  2. part payment of debt not a consideration to forgo the balance
                  3. exception
                    1. agreement is contained in a deed.
                      1. deed= legal doc. signed sealed delivered
                  4. agreement (contract)
                    1. offer
                      1. a STATEMENT by one party of his willingness to enter into a contract on certain stated terms
                        1. offeror
                          1. making offer
                          2. offeree
                            1. one whom the offer is made to
                            2. offer must be COMMUNICATED
                              1. OFFEREE ACCEPTS
                                1. BINDING IS FORMED
                                  1. CANNOT BACK OUT
                                    1. IF BACK OUT= BREACH
                                  2. INVITATION TO TREAT (4)
                                    1. INVITES to negotiate and make offer
                                      1. Supply of Information
                                        1. supply info invite ppl to make offer
                                          1. Harvey V Facey
                                          2. Advertisements
                                            1. Seller would not have a unlimited amount of supply of item
                                              1. cannot who read who get in a contract
                                              2. Patridge v Crittenden
                                                1. ad on bird for sale
                                              3. Tenders
                                                1. offeror submit the tender
                                                  1. offeree receives the tender submission
                                                    1. contract only forms when co accepts a particular tender submission
                                                      1. AND COMMUNICATED to Party
                                                2. Display of goods in a shop window or store
                                                  1. not making offer
                                                    1. inviting ppl to make offer
                                                      1. offer takes place when customer select item into basket
                                                        1. Customer demand = offer to buy
                                                          1. shop keeper free to accept or reject offer
                                                    2. pharmaceutical society of great britan V Boots cash chemist
                                                    3. WEBSITES
                                                      1. Electronic Transactions Act
                                                        1. no contract until merchant communicates its acceptance
                                                        2. Rationale: unlimited amount of contracts
                                                      2. Termination of offer
                                                        1. Revocation by the offeror
                                                          1. offeror may withdraw before acceptance
                                                            1. effective= communicated to end offeree
                                                            2. Bryne V van tienhoven
                                                            3. Rejection by Offeree
                                                              1. offeree terminates the offer once its received by the offeror
                                                                1. YES/NO
                                                                  1. Once reject no re-accept
                                                                2. Rejection by counter-offer
                                                                  1. offeree introduce new terms / change in terms
                                                                    1. cancel original offer
                                                                      1. cannot accept original unless offeror agrees
                                                                    2. Hyde V wretch
                                                                    3. Lapse of Offer
                                                                      1. offer invalid
                                                                        1. not accepted in a time period
                                                                          1. TIme based on subject matter
                                                                          2. Any parties dies before acceptance
                                                                        2. only terminate 3 pt or it lapse
                                                                      2. acceptance
                                                                        1. Offeree unconditionally agrees to the offer without changing terms of offer
                                                                          1. may be in oral or writing
                                                                            1. must be communicated to offeror
                                                                              1. effective when received by offeror
                                                                              2. Postal acceptance rule
                                                                                1. receive= letter validly posted
                                                                              3. Acceptance by Silence
                                                                                1. Offeror may not put a condition in his offer that silence shall constitute acceptance without the offeree’s consent.
                                                                                  1. NO!
                                                                                    1. Felthouse V Bindley
                                                                                    2. Acceptance by reason of past conduct
                                                                                      1. series of previous transactions between the Offeror and Offeree
                                                                                        1. but in this particular current transaction it is unclear whether the Offeree has accepted the terms,
                                                                                          1. the Court may look at the previous transactions to decide whether such acceptance has indeed taken place.
                                                                                    3. once made if anyone change mind or back out
                                                                                      1. breach of contract
                                                                                    4. intention to create legal relations
                                                                                      1. intended the agreement to be legally binding
                                                                                        1. one fails to carry out promise
                                                                                          1. legally responsible
                                                                                        2. commercial agreement
                                                                                          1. business transaction= intent legal binding
                                                                                          2. social &domestic agreement
                                                                                            1. no intention to create legal enforcable
                                                                                              1. unless theres business elements in it
                                                                                          3. Definition
                                                                                            1. agreement between 2 or more parties which is legally enforcable
                                                                                              1. when a contract is breached innocent can sue for compensation or remedy
                                                                                              2. can be orally or in writing
                                                                                              3. Privity of contract
                                                                                                1. only contracting parties can sue
                                                                                                  1. party that has provided consideration can sue
                                                                                                2. Formalities
                                                                                                  1. contract can be made orally or by conduct
                                                                                                    1. Contracts that need writing
                                                                                                      1. Sale of land
                                                                                                        1. guarantee
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