Economic Development and Imperial trade in the British Colonies


History chapter 4 part 1
Mind Map by daydreamingheath, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by daydreamingheath about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Economic Development and Imperial trade in the British Colonies
  1. 4 Mercanilist regulations
    1. 1 Navigation Act of 1651
      1. to end Dutch Dominance by making all trade in empire conducted by english or colonial ships
      2. 2 Enumerated Prducts
        1. certain things could only be shipped to English colonies/England
          1. Also, certain stuff from Europe could only be shipped through England to colonies
          2. 3 & 4 promote English manufacturers
            1. limit colonial products so things would get shipped
          3. There was much trading going on between America, England, Africa and West Indies
            1. England shipped manufactured products
              1. West Indies shipped sugar, molasses, rum, and some slaves
                1. Sugar was the most profitable good from the colonies
                2. Africa shipped slaves
                  1. America shipped from different colonies
                    1. Lower south shipped rice, indigo
                      1. Chesapeake shipped Tobacco and wheat
                        1. Middle Colonies sent Grain and Iron
                          1. New England shipped some fish and furs.
                        2. American colonist imported more goods than exported
                          1. English supplied easy credit
                            1. Colonial Debtors depended on goods and credit frm England
                          2. America Colonies began to be more like Brittan
                            1. Colonial cities grew and all major ones were sea ports
                              1. Artisans were in Colonial Cities
                                1. A boy would be an apprentice, then journeyman, then set up his own shop
                                2. a growing gap between rich and poor
                                  1. harder for newcomers to enter their rankds
                                    1. dependence on slaves in the south meant no jobs for poor
                                    2. As long as land was available, colonist could at least live off of it.
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