14 y.o. F. Dicloxacillin x10 days for knee cellulitis.


Mind Map on 14 y.o. F. Dicloxacillin x10 days for knee cellulitis., created by gurley10 on 07/09/2013.
Mind Map by gurley10, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gurley10 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

14 y.o. F. Dicloxacillin x10 days for knee cellulitis.
  1. ED symptoms: fever, headache, purpura, epistaxis
    1. ED assessment: sick, pale, lethargic, swollen & bleeding gums, general petechiae, 5cm spleen
      1. Normal size of spleen: approximately 3cm thick, 10cm long
        1. Palpate upper left side of abdomen to locate spleen.
          1. Blood test, ultrasound, CT scan
            1. Assessment
            2. Pain may spread to left shoulder
              1. Symptoms of enlarged spleen:
                1. Fatigue, easy bleeding, anemia, wt loss, jaundice, frequent infections
                2. Enlarged spleen: enlarges if over worked or illness present
                  1. Spleen: removes and destroys red blood cells.
                    1. If overworked, spleen will enlarge as it removes red blood cells
                      1. Leukemia: cancer of the blood cells
                        1. Abnormal WBC's are made and are called leukemia cells)
                          1. Possible causes of leukemia:
                            1. Gene mutation because of genetic and/or environmental
                              1. Symptoms of leukemia
                                1. Fever, headache, easy bleeding, enlarged spleen, infections, tired/weak,
                                  1. bone/joint pain, swollen lymph nodes, weight loss/anorexia, enlarged liver
                                    1. Assessment:
                                      1. Physical exam, blood work (CBC), blood profile (chem-20, SMA-20, etc.)
                                        1. Treatment of leukemia is individually based:
                                          1. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, biologic therapy, stem cell transplant
                    2. Elevated WBC 76,000/cmm
                      1. Decreased Neutrophils 4%
                        1. Elevated Lymphocytes 97%
                          1. Elevated Hgb 65g/dl
                            1. Elevated Blasts 43%
                              1. Elevated Monocytes 28%
                                1. Elevated Eosinophils 8%
                          2. ABNORMAL LABS
                          3. Cellulits: bacterial infrection under the skin & in tissue
                            1. Bacteria is usually Staph or Strep
                              1. Treated with IV or PO antibiotic
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