Unit 1 Ecosystem


Mind Map on Unit 1 Ecosystem, created by Nil Contreras Puig on 03/10/2019.
Nil Contreras Puig
Mind Map by Nil Contreras Puig, updated more than 1 year ago
Nil Contreras Puig
Created by Nil Contreras Puig almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Unit 1 Ecosystem
  1. Parts of an ecosystem
    1. An ecosystem have animal plants but there are climate precipitacions and much more
      1. Biotic and Abiotic
        1. Biotic is any living organism in the ecosystem
          1. Abiotic is any non-living thing in the ecosystem
        2. Groups of ecosystems
          1. There are aquatic ecosystems and terrestials ecosystems
          2. Scales of ecosystems
            1. There are 3 tipes of ecosystems
              1. Micro: Small Escale
                1. Meso: medium scale
                  1. Biome: Large Escale
                2. Levels of organizations
                  1. Individual
                    1. Population
                      1. Community
                        1. Ecosystem
                          1. Biome
                            1. Biosphere
                  2. Ecological Interaccioons
                    1. Competition (-/-)
                      1. Mutualism (+/+)
                        1. Neutralism (0/0)
                          1. Paratism (-/+)
                            1. Ammenalism (0/-)
                              1. Commenalism (+/0)
                              2. Definition
                                1. An ecosystem is a community of living things that interact with each other
                                2. Flove of energy
                                  1. Food chain and food web
                                    1. A food web show all the food chains within a particular ecosystem
                                      1. A food chain explain what eats what in a ecosystem
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