Geologic History


Mind Map on Geologic History, created by Lucas Tafoya on 09/10/2019.
Lucas Tafoya
Mind Map by Lucas Tafoya, updated more than 1 year ago
Lucas Tafoya
Created by Lucas Tafoya almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Geologic History
  1. Bombardment
    1. when astroids were hitting the earth from 4.1 to 3.8 billion years
    2. Geological time scale
      1. A system of dating that relates geological strata to time
      2. Layers Of The Earth
        1. there are 4 main layers of earth crust mantle outer core and inner core
        2. Stratigraphy
          1. the branch of geology with order and relitive position of strata and there relationship to the geological time scale
          2. Fossil records
            1. a group of fossils that have been studied and arranged bassed on how old or young they are
            2. absolute dating
              1. is the procces of determining based on calender dating
              2. Reletive dating
                1. is the science of determing the order of past events
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