Car maker


Mind Map on Car maker, created by jprice211 on 09/11/2013.
Mind Map by jprice211, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jprice211 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Car maker
  1. Technology
    1. Software
      1. Hardware
        1. Internet
          1. Databases
            1. Spreadsheets
              1. Desktop Publisher
                1. Word Prossesing
                2. Infomation
                  1. Databases
                    1. Spreadsheets
                      1. Contacts
                      2. Communication
                        1. Employees
                          1. Costumers
                          2. Business Concept
                            1. USP
                              1. Income
                                1. Expenditure
                                  1. Breaking Even
                                    1. Profits
                                    2. How am I going to sell it? Products or Services or both?
                                      1. Posters
                                        1. Leaflets
                                          1. Flyers
                                          2. Who is my target?
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