storage devices


Mind Map on storage devices, created by Connor Bristow on 28/11/2019.
Connor Bristow
Mind Map by Connor Bristow, updated more than 1 year ago
Connor Bristow
Created by Connor Bristow over 4 years ago

Resource summary

storage devices
  1. solid state storage
    1. examples
      1. USB
        1. mp3
        2. advantages
          1. High read write speed
            1. Energy eficient
            2. Disadvantages
              1. Not as cost-effective
            3. magnetic storage
              1. advantages
                1. high capacity
                  1. Cost-effective
                  2. Disadvantages
                    1. Less durable than solid states
                    2. examples
                      1. floppy disks
                        1. song or movie disc
                        2. if you dropped a Magetic Storage
                          1. Disadvantages
                            1. only holds 27 GB
                            2. advantages
                              1. Mass storage capacity (on the order of gigabytes)
                                1. Mountable/unmountable storage units.
                                  1. Low cost per bit of storage.
                                    1. Long media life.
                                      1. High data stability.
                                      2. examples
                                        1. BLUE RAY
                                          1. DVD
                                            1. CD
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