vaginal discharge


Mind Map on vaginal discharge, created by mariam 8 on 25/01/2020.
mariam  8
Mind Map by mariam 8, updated more than 1 year ago
mariam  8
Created by mariam 8 over 4 years ago

Resource summary

vaginal discharge
  1. anatomy of female genital tract
      1. types of vaginal discharge
          1. purulent discharge - N.gonorrhea
            1. chlamydia mycoplasma - mucoid
              1. trichomatis viginalis- frothy greenish
                1. bacterial vaginosis - thin gryish
                  1. candida - whitish
          2. types of STI's
            1. treatment
              1. risk factors
                1. 1- unprotected sex 2- multiple sex partners 3- history of STI's 4- exchanging for money 5- man to man relationship
                2. signs and symptoms
                  1. STI's INVESTIGATIONS
                    1. blood test
                      1. urine test
                        1. NAAT's
                        2. fluid samples
                          1. endocervical swab
                        3. pathophysiology of chlamydia
                          1. complications
                            1. - PID IN FEMALE
                              1. FITZ-HUGH-CURTIS SYNDROME
                              2. MALE
                                1. EPIDYDMITIS
                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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