RE revision minmap 1


5k's, guru nanak, mool mantra.
ellie  Carlon
Mind Map by ellie Carlon , updated more than 1 year ago
ellie  Carlon
Created by ellie Carlon about 9 years ago

Resource summary

RE revision minmap 1
  1. 5k's
    1. kanga
      1. kanga is a comb that a Sikh uses to brush heir hair. the kanga is wooden. this symbolizes modesty and also a readiness to go into battle for their faith if necessary
        1. when Sikh combs his/her hair they see strands of fall out this is to remind them that nothing is permanant
          1. brushing the hair keeps the mind clean
          2. Sikhs are not allowed to cut their hair
            1. its a gift from god
              1. they use the kanga to maintain the hair
          3. kara
            1. steal braclet
              1. worn on the wrist you write with
                1. consistent reminder of god
                  1. god will always be there
                    1. close to god
                  2. no beginning or no end
                    1. only steal
                      1. never allowed to take it off
                      2. life carries on
                        1. schools/work may discriminate jewellery so Sikhs are forced to take it off
                    2. kesh
                      1. god give the gift of hsir
                        1. respect and courage
                          1. cover with a turban to keep the kesh clean
                            1. kesh is a Sikhs hair
                              1. should not shave or pluck any facial hair
                              2. reminds Sikhs to think of god
                                1. the kesh must be washed and combed every day
                          2. karpin
                            1. to protect the weak and needy
                              1. safety protection
                                1. asked to take off in metal detectors
                                2. kachera
                                  1. cotton trousers
                                    1. the kachera's are comfortable
                                      1. symbolises readiness
                                    2. guru nanak
                                      1. guru nanak, started to realise that people were loosing sight od god
                                        1. guru nanak became a religious teacher after visiting god
                                          1. he started teaching about a new faith, he used ideas from Hinduism and islam
                                            1. nanak taught Sikhs to get closer to god
                                              1. the rules were based on the fact that there is only one god
                                              2. mool mantra
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