music eras


Mind Map on music eras, created by Jeni Woolley on 09/03/2015.
Jeni Woolley
Mind Map by Jeni Woolley, updated more than 1 year ago
Jeni Woolley
Created by Jeni Woolley about 9 years ago

Resource summary

music eras
  1. baroque
    1. composers
      1. J.S Bach
        1. Vivaldi
          1. Monteverdi
            1. Purcell
            2. 1600-1750
              1. polyphonic
                1. small orchestra (10-30 people)
                  1. mainly strings
                    1. harpsichord (sometimes an organ)
                      1. recorder
                        1. little percussion (timpani)
                      2. classical
                        1. structural
                          1. growing orchestra (40-60 people)
                            1. piano was introduced
                            2. homophonic
                              1. sonata
                                1. 1750-1830
                                  1. alberti bass
                                    1. composers
                                      1. Beethoven
                                        1. Mozart
                                          1. Haydn
                                        2. romantic
                                          1. bigger orchestra (60-100 people)
                                            1. prominent percussion
                                              1. more brass and woodwind
                                                1. improved piano
                                                2. emotional music
                                                  1. chromaticism
                                                    1. rubato
                                                      1. nationalism
                                                        1. technical and virtuosic
                                                          1. 1830-1910
                                                            1. contrasting sections
                                                              1. big variety of dynamics
                                                                1. composers
                                                                  1. Beethoven
                                                                    1. Chopin
                                                                      1. Liszt
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