Present Simple


Presente Simple
Daniel Guarin
Mind Map by Daniel Guarin, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Billy Yañez
Created by Billy Yañez about 9 years ago
Daniel Guarin
Copied by Daniel Guarin over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Present Simple
  1. Form
    1. Negative
      1. Does + not = Doesn't
        1. She doesn't like fast food.
          1. He doesn't work
        2. Do + not = Don't
          1. I don't live in New York.
            1. We don't study japanese.
        3. Interrogative
          1. Use "DO" or "DOES"
            1. Do I speak Spanish?
              1. Do you speak Portuguese?
                1. Does he speak Italian?
                  1. Does she speak French?
                    1. Do we speak Japanese?
                      1. Do they speak German?
                        1. Do or Does + Subject + Verb + Complement
                      2. Afirmative
                        1. Add -s to the 3rd person:
                          1. She study+ (ies)
                            1. She studies
                            2. He swim+s
                              1. He swims
                              2. It go+es (sh, ch, o, x, ss)
                                1. It goes
                                  1. He fixes
                                    1. She watches
                                      1. He passes
                                    2. She play+s
                                      1. She plays
                                2. Use
                                  1. Permanent Situations
                                    1. The sun shines every day
                                      1. The water boils at 100ª
                                      2. Regular habits and daily routines
                                        1. The boys go to the school every day.
                                          1. Mary always swim in sumer
                                            1. Carly drinks chocolate in Christmas.
                                              1. Frequency
                                                1. Always - Often - Usually - Sometimes - Seldom - Never
                                                  1. I usually read in the afternoon
                                                  2. Evey day - Every week - Every morning - Every night - Before school - After school...
                                                    1. She studies every day
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