case studies for geography GCSE


Mind Map on case studies for geography GCSE, created by shawn on 17/03/2015.
Mind Map by shawn, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by shawn over 9 years ago

Resource summary

case studies for geography GCSE
  1. volcanoes
    1. (Nevada del Ruiz eruption 1985)
      1. As pyroclastic flows erupted from the volcano's crater, they melted the mountain's glaciers, sending four enormous lahars down its slopes at 50 kilometres per hour (30 miles per hour). The lahars picked up speed in gullies and coursed into the six major rivers at the base of the volcano; they engulfed the town of Armero, killing more than 20,000 of its almost 29,000 inhabitants. It was the nazcar plate going under the aztec plate. After a lahar demolished her home, Omayra Sánchez became pinned beneath the debris of her house; she remained trapped in water for three days. Her plight was documented as she descended from calmness into agony. Her courage and dignity touched journalists and relief workers, who put great efforts into comforting her. After 55 hours of struggling, she died, likely as a result of either gangrene or hypothermia
      2. general infomation
        1. The dictionary definition of a volcano is: a mountain with a large, circular hole at the top through which lava ( hot liquid rock) gases, steam, and dust are or have been forced out
          1. What is dangerous about a volcano? The major dangers of earthquakes are destroyed houses, buildings, and businesses and lead to injury and loss of life. This in turn causes major challenges to the community's economic and social status.
            1. Are there going to be earthquakes near you? Earthquakes usually tend to happen in areas located on or close to the boundaries of tectonic plates. The effects plates shifting and sliding against each other are felt along these boundaries. In addition to earthquakes, volcanoes and mountain ranges usually form along these weak areas in the earth's crust.
          2. earthquake
            1. (earthquake in japan 2011)
              1. The powerful 8.9 earthquake off the coast of Japan that triggered a damaging tsunami along 250 miles of Japan's coast. On March 11, 2011, the world watched in horror as video and photos showed a wall of water roaring inland as far as six miles, carrying away cars and people and levelling towns. Three years later, the recovery remains slow and painful. About 270,000 victims are still displaced, according to the Seattle Times. Children living in the vicinity of the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant are still not supposed to be outside more than 15 to 30 minutes each day because of radiation fears, NBC News reports. People are still searching from their loved ones, including a man who learned to scuba dive so he could look for his wife's body.
              2. general infomation
                1. The dictionary definition of an earthquake is:  a sudden violent movement of the earth's surface, sometimes causing great damage
                  1. Are there going to be earthquakes near you? Earthquakes usually tend to happen in areas located on or close to the boundaries of tectonic plates. The effects plates shifting and sliding against each other are felt along these boundaries. In addition to earthquakes, volcanoes and mountain ranges usually form along these weak areas in the earth's crust.
                    1. What is dangerous about a earthquake? The major dangers of earthquakes are destroyed houses, buildings, and businesses and lead to injury and loss of life. This in turn causes major challenges to the community's economic and social status.
                  2. droughts
                    1. Drought case study Kenya (2009)
                      1. More than one million Kenyans risk facing hunger because of a prolonged drought. The lack of rains has caused crops to fail and cattle-herders are also struggling to keep their animals alive. The worst affected areas are in the country's semi-arid south-east regions as well as some parts of central Kenya. The World Food Programme (WFP) has described the crisis as a "very difficult situation" and appealed to donor countries to offer funds. Currently some 2.5 million people are receiving emergency food aid in the country but the effect of the drought has meant that a further 1.3 million now also need help."People are saying it is the worst drought since 2000," said WFP spokeswoman Gabrielle Menezes. The regions affected normally harvest their crops once a year, planting them in April and collecting in September after the rains. But this year those rains have failed to come.
                      2. general infomtion
                        1. What are the dangers of a drought? Hunger, famine, Thirst, Disease, Wildfires, Social, conflict war, Migration, or relocation
                          1. What is the dictionary definition of a drought?  a long period when there is little or no rain
                            1. Where do droughts occur? Droughts occur all around the equator and in hot and dry places such as: India, Brazil, US, West Africa, South Africa as well as Australia. Some regions are always dry, but others go through periods of unusual dryness due to minimal or lack of rainfall.
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