Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants


Creating Mind Maps online with GoConqr's free tool.
Guadalupe puch
Mind Map by Guadalupe puch, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
maya velasquez
Created by maya velasquez over 9 years ago
maya velasquez
Copied by maya velasquez over 9 years ago
Andrea Leyden
Copied by Andrea Leyden over 9 years ago
Moy Chalé
Copied by Moy Chalé over 9 years ago
Guadalupe puch
Copied by Guadalupe puch over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants
  1. That are different from each other.
    1. DI (digital natives) thinks that student are not the same as they students at the past
      1. They have changed the way of learning and studying
        1. Also the way students pay attention Is not the same
    2. DN are skeptical about learning
      1. ¨all they did was read from their textbooks says students
        1. Digital Immigrant instructors make their education not worth paying attention to compared to everything else they experience – and then they blame them for not paying attention! ¨
      2. Today´s teachers have to learn to communicate in the language and style of their students.
        1. What do DI have to reconsider for teaching DN
          1. As educators, they need to be thinking about how to teach both Legacy and Future content in the language of the Digital Natives
          2. this is the author's suggestion regarding what they had to do against the methodology
            1. the author thinks that they have to invent, but not necessarily from scratch. Adapting materials to the language of Digital Natives has already been done successfully. My own preference for teaching Digital Natives is to invent computer games to do the job
            2. suggestions for organizing content
              1. The first involves a major translation and change of methodology for example reading, writing, arithmetic, logical thinking, understanding the writings and ideas of the past, etc; the second involves all that PLUS new content and thinking, for example software, hardware, robotics, nanotechnology, genomics, etc. It´s not actually clear to me which is harder – “learning new stuff” or “learning new ways to do old stuff.”
                1. two types of content, legacy and future content
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