Thigpen & Cleckley


Individual Differences Mindmap
Mind Map by manishajhita, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by manishajhita about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Thigpen & Cleckley
  1. Background
    1. Neurotic disorder
      1. AKA dissociate identity disorder
        1. A dissociative disorder where two or more personalities coexist within one individual
        2. Aim
          1. To provide an account of a woman's psychotherapeutic treatment
          2. Sample
            1. 25-year-old woman
              1. Referred due to "severe and blinding headaches"
              2. Case study
                1. Interviews with family and patient
                  1. Hypnosis
                    1. Observation
                      1. EEG tests
                        1. Electroencephalogram tests
                        2. Psychometric & projective tests
                          1. Memory
                            1. Ink blots
                              1. Intelligence
                            2. Findings
                              1. 1. During interviews, several emotional difficulties were revealed (complex, but ordinary marital conflicts and personal frustrations)
                                1. 2. Hypnosis was used to remember a recent trip that was forgotten
                                  1. 3. Eve White supposedly sent a letter, but halfway through the writing changed, become child-like. Eve White thought she had begun the letter but destroyed it.
                                    1. During the interview, Eve White became distressed (normally self-controlled), and asked whether hearing an imaginary voice made her insane.
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