Disaster Hotspot Case Study- Philippines


Mind Map on Disaster Hotspot Case Study- Philippines, created by pen_ya on 05/04/2015.
Mind Map by pen_ya, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by olw-1234 about 9 years ago
Copied by pen_ya about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Disaster Hotspot Case Study- Philippines
  1. Volcanoes
    1. Near destructive plate boundary Philippine plate being subducted by the Eurasian plate
      1. Islands were formed by combination of folding at the boundary and volcanoes were formed from magma risen to the surface
        1. Erupted in 1991 many people were evacuated, buildings collapsed, crops destroyed
        2. Earthquakes
          1. Philippine plate and the Eurasian plate can become locked together causes pressure to build up the jerk causes and earthquake
            1. Can also occur at fault lines in the area where the plate cracked under pressure
              1. They happen daily but can't be measured because there too little
                1. Magnitude of 7.8 occurred killing over 1500 people
                2. Landslides
                  1. Get lots of rain and the areas with steep slopes experience landslides
                    1. Can also be triggered by earthquakes
                    2. Typhoons
                      1. Have 10 typhoons every year
                        1. Developed in the pacific ocean and move westward over the island
                        2. Tsunami
                          1. Earthquakes in the surrounding ocean could cause a tsunami
                            1. 1976 earthquake of 7.9 caused a tsunami and thousands were killed
                            2. Drought
                              1. have distinct wet and dry seasons
                                1. Occur when the wet season hasn't bought enough rain to las the dry season
                                2. Flooding
                                  1. During the wet season floods can be caused by Typhoons and heavy rain
                                  2. Population is vulnerable
                                    1. Densely populated area greater risk of disaster
                                      1. Population pressure lead to deforestation causing more landslides
                                        1. Fast growing economy people still live below poverty line
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