Essay Writing


Mind Map on Essay Writing, created by johnasaad on 10/04/2013.
Mind Map by johnasaad, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by johnasaad over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Essay Writing
  1. 1. Key Words
    1. Analyse
      1. Define
        1. Compare
          1. Evaluate
            1. Discuss
              1. Contrast
                1. Summarise
                2. 2. Question the Question
                  1. 3. Make a note of what you read
                    1. 4. Plan
                      1. Pattern to develop Ideas
                        1. Analysis
                          1. Evaluation
                          2. 5. Introduction
                            1. Outline question
                              1. Organisation of answer
                              2. 7. Conclusion
                                1. Sums up arguments
                                2. 6. Sub-headings
                                  1. 8. Bibliography
                                    1. 9. Footnotes
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