Mobile Operating Systems


Mind Map on Mobile Operating Systems, created by Sarah Herzog on 23/09/2020.
Sarah Herzog
Mind Map by Sarah Herzog, updated more than 1 year ago
Sarah Herzog
Created by Sarah Herzog over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Mobile Operating Systems
  1. For each operating system, compare features - remember that these are not hardware features, but operating system features.
    1. What are the different uses of these operating systems?
      1. How do the users of these operating systems differ?
    2. Android
      1. Open Source
        1. Open System
          1. Customised
            1. Third party more supported
              1. Freedom
                1. More likely for pirating and hacking
                  1. Massive market share (86%)
                      1. More languages supported
                      2. iOS
                        1. Closed Source
                          1. Closed System
                            1. Not as customisable
                              1. Less apps, but more big games
                                1. Small but steady market share
                                  1. Less languages supported
                                  2. Window
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