Mobile Design Principles


Mind Map on Mobile Design Principles, created by Sarah Herzog on 23/09/2020.
Sarah Herzog
Mind Map by Sarah Herzog, updated more than 1 year ago
Sarah Herzog
Created by Sarah Herzog almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Mobile Design Principles
  1. Read either iOS or Android Principles
    1. Take notes on the key guidelines
      1. Think of how the hardware or operating system can constraint your design
    2. iOS
      1. Clarity
        1. So people can clearly know to interact with your app
        2. Responsiveness
          1. Shows the user that they are being listened to and the game hasn't crashed
          2. Simplicity of controls
            1. Busy, distracted, short playtimes
            2. Asthetics to match eachother and program
            3. Android
              1. Responsiveness
                1. Respond AS the action is happened
                2. Notifications - header, content, and action
                  1. Visual hierarchy
                    1. Make it clear what is most important and make sure that is easily visible
                    2. User Input
                      1. Allowing user to enter information
                    3. Hardware / OS Constraints
                      1. Screen size
                        1. Controls
                          1. Playtime
                            1. Price
                              1. Processor / RAM / Graphics limitations
                                1. OS guidelines / restrictions
                                  1. Content (mature / violent / controversial)
                                    1. Pricing Model
                                      1. UI Guidelines
                                      2. Battery Life
                                        1. Storage Space
                                          1. Download Size
                                            1. Data Useage
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