To what extent is feminism a single doctrine(45marks) January 2011 Q6


Mind Map on To what extent is feminism a single doctrine(45marks) January 2011 Q6, created by Ahméd Hassan on 29/04/2015.
Ahméd Hassan
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Ahméd Hassan
Copied by Ahméd Hassan about 9 years ago

Resource summary

To what extent is feminism a single doctrine(45marks) January 2011 Q6
  1. The common principles and beliefs
    1. concerned to advance the social role of women
      1. The inequalities women have endured are not based on any natural inferiority. the biological differences they suggest do not imply that men are superior in anyway.
        1. Women must be able to control their own circumstances of life rather than allowing men to determine them on their behalf.
          1. The status of women as victims must be combated. This raises issues such as rape, violence in marriage, prostitution and pornography
          2. They believe that patriarchal structures can be challenged and overthrown, bringing female emancipation
            1. Male domination originated in early social conditioning of both sexes. It is the task of all feminists to alter social consciousness so that the equality of women is accepted. Androgyny= end of Patriarchy
              1. All aspects of male-female relations that exploit, degrade or control women should be eliminated. women must be emancipated so that they can make their own choices and never fall under control of male -dominated social structure
            2. By 1970, it was becoming clear that the women's movement had indeed broken apart, and while liberal feminists were claiming victory after victory, the radicals were warning against such triumphalism. The radicals believed that the fundamental causes of women oppression had not been addressed.
              1. Liberal Feminism
                1. Rooted in individualism, supports reformism and seeks to achieve equal access for women and men to the public realm.
                  1. Liberals see economic equality and freedom as the key to all other forms of women's liberation
                    1. Liberals aspire to achieve all their objectives within the existing culture
                    2. Radical Feminism
                      1. They argue the roots of exploitation lie in private life, families and sexual relations between men and women. They must be addressed first if true emancipation is to be achieved. suggesting that the most basic building blocks of society must be dismantled and reformed
                        1. Without dramatic changes in consciousness of sex and gender differences, there can never be true freedom for women
                          1. argue that all forms of exploitation are interconnected and should not be treated separately. for example, the exploitation that is entailed by pornography and prostitution are part of the same system of patriarchy. Granting women economic independence alone will not bring them true freedom
                            1. on a whole, radical feminists believe that women will only achieve true consciorole and genuine self-realisation if they separate themselves from male-dominated cultureusness of their
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