The Humanists Revolt


Mind Map on The Humanists Revolt, created by cortneyatkinson on 09/10/2013.
Mind Map by cortneyatkinson, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cortneyatkinson almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

The Humanists Revolt
  1. attacked psychoanalysis for its belief that behaviour is dominated by primitive sexual urges & behaviourism for its study of simple animal behaviour; BOTH suggested people are not in control of their own destinies & did not recognize human behaviour
    1. Humanism: emphasizes the unique qualities of humans, especially their freedom and their potential for personal growth
      1. people are not pawns of their animal heritage or environmental circumstances, AND research on animals has little relevance to human behaviour
        1. Greatest contribution --> innovative treatments for psychological problems & disorders
      2. Carl Rogers (1902-87) and Abraham Maslow (1908-70)
        1. Rogers (1951): human behaviour is primarily governed by our sense of self or 'self-concept' (which animals lack)
          1. Rogers and Maslow (1954): 'to fully understand our behaviour, psychologists must understand our drive toward personal growth'
            1. we have a basic need to evolve as human beings and fulfill our potential
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