Home Rule


Mind Map on Home Rule, created by sophiebarnard on 10/10/2013.
Mind Map by sophiebarnard, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sophiebarnard over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Home Rule
  1. Form of home rule
    1. Formation of home rule leagues - 1916
        1. Two political organisations launched
          1. One launched by ejected congress radical Talik
            1. The other a 69 year old British woman Annie Besant
          2. Based closely on the campaigns for home rule in Ireland in late C19th
            1. In Ireland took 4 attempts between 1886 + 1914
              1. Was then suspended because of outbreak of war
                1. Showed Indians HR was a challenge
            2. Congress discussed home rule since 1905
              1. Control of moderates ensured never happened
            3. Only involve management of Indian affairs
              1. Besant stated was "freedom without separation"
                1. Tilak emphasised it sought "reform of the system of administration and not the otherthrow of government"
                  1. Tilak stated in 1917 "if you want Home Rule be prepared to defend your home... you cannot reasonably say that the ruling will be done by you and the fighting for you"
              2. SUCCESS
                1. Tilak's Home Rule League for India rapidly gained 32,000 members - despite being based on 2 religions (Maharastra and Karnataka)
                  1. Besant's All-India Home Rule was smaller and grew slower but network of committees covered most of rest of India
                    1. Joined each other's organisations
                      1. Toured country giving lectures and giving leaflets
                2. RESPONSES
                  1. Congress was reluctant to demand something as big as Home rule even though people joined Home Rule leagues in great numbers - including 2 future national leaders Nehru + Jinnah
                    1. Other Indian groups also resistant - especially Muslims and lower-caste Hindus who thought government would entrench Brahmin Hindu dominance
                      1. Viewed British as more as protecting their interests
                        1. British finally calmed agitation caused by Partition of Bengal by reuniting it in 1911 + liked tame approach of the moderate-controlled congress
                          1. One official reported "moderate leaders can command no support among the vocal classes who are being led at the heels of Tilak and Besant"
                            1. Orders given for swift arrest of Home Rule campaigners whenever possible + students forbidden to hold meetings where Home Rule might be discussed
                              1. Tilak arrested and required to put up 4,000 rupees as surety of good behaviour. Besant was interned
                  2. CONSEQUENCES
                    1. Montagu Declaration - 20th August 1917 declaration which promised eventual self-government
                      1. When Besant freed - elected president of Congress in December 1917
                        1. Home Rule movement quickly lost momentum + failed to achieve its objectives
                          1. Widely believed to have prepared the way for the campaigns of Gandhi from the 1920's onwards
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