English Literary Devices


Mind Map on English Literary Devices, created by John Luo on 09/05/2015.
John Luo
Mind Map by John Luo, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by miss.bakare almost 9 years ago
John Luo
Copied by John Luo almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

English Literary Devices
  1. Allegory - word that has a second moral meaning
    1. Alliteration - Repetition of initial constant sound
      1. Allusion - refers to external event that audience/reader would know about (e.g American Dream)
        1. Blank Verse - iambic pentameter that doesn't rhyme
          1. Caesura - a pause (, or ;) in the middle of a line
            1. Cacophony - harsh sound
              1. Euphony - pleasant sound
                1. Imagery
                  1. Aural
                    1. Gaustatory
                      1. Tactile
                        1. Olfactory
                          1. Organic
                            1. Visual
                            2. Irony - dramatic/ self-contradictory aspect
                              1. Metaphor - comparison without like/as saying it is something
                                1. Onomatopoeia - sounds like the word it is
                                  1. Paradox - two things that shouldn't exist at one time, but do (e.g bittersweet)
                                    1. Personification - "Things" given a human characteristic
                                      1. Phonetic Intensive - When the sound of a word emphasises its meaning
                                        1. Simile - comparison using 'like' or 'as'
                                          1. Tone - writer's attitude
                                            1. Anaphora - Repetition of words/phrases at beginning of each line
                                              1. Conceit - comparison of two dissimilar things
                                                1. Pathetic Fallacy - reflection of actions/moods/events through the weather
                                                  1. Persona - character
                                                    1. Assonance - repetition of the vowel sound
                                                      1. Extended Figure - imagery continued throughout poem
                                                        1. Antithesis - juxtaposition of contrasting words or ideas (e.g to black for heaven and yet too white for hell
                                                          1. Apostrophe - addressing object/character/idea who is not there as though they can reply
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