Technology in sport


Mind Map on Technology in sport, created by Adam Pickering on 10/05/2015.
Adam Pickering
Mind Map by Adam Pickering, updated more than 1 year ago
Adam Pickering
Created by Adam Pickering almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Technology in sport
  1. Technology can monitor fitness levels
    1. HR monitors - short term
      1. ICT programs comparing performance - long term
      2. Technology can look at biomechanical analysis
        1. Dartfish
        2. Technical analysis
          1. Golf swing
            1. Super slow mo cameras
            2. Long term
            3. Training zones - HR monitors - Lactate measurements
              1. Long term
              2. Muscle activity analysis
                1. EMG's
                2. Hypoxic chamber
                  1. Altitude training
                    1. Advantage - Much easier to monitor training when static than up and mountain
                      1. Disadvantage - Wind/rain/bumpy (change in terraIn)
                      2. Prozone - Strengths and weaknesses in your own game
                        1. Ergogenic aids
                          1. Compression clothing
                            1. Ice vets - hot conditions
                              1. Nasal strips - altitude
                                1. Parachute training
                                  1. Weighted vests
                                  2. Skinsuits swimming - Shark costumes (disadvantage)
                                    1. Uneven playing field
                                      1. The bigger technology becomes the bigger the gap becomes
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