GCSE law Consumer Contract B144_2


work in progress consumer protection law for GCSE law
Mind Map by ituahomole, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Angela Dickinson
Created by Angela Dickinson over 9 years ago
Copied by ituahomole over 9 years ago

Resource summary

GCSE law Consumer Contract B144_2
  1. Contract law
    1. Basic elements of a contract
      1. Agreement
        1. Acceptance


          • must be made in good time Montfiore v Ramsgate Hotel. 
          1. Offer


            • Must not have a problem with multiple acceptance or will be invitation to treat.  Carlil v Carbolic SmokeBall Co - because the advert restricted the number of acceptances 
            1. Not an invitation to treat


              • Fisher v Bell - goods in shop window Partridge v Crittenden - advert in a magazine  
        2. Implied terms
          1. Sale of Goods Act
            1. Durability
              1. Satisfactory Quality
                1. Safety
                2. As described
                  1. Fit for Purpose
                    1. Remedies


                      • Replacement Repair Refund 
                    2. Supply of Goods and Services
                      1. reasonable care and skill
                        1. reasonable price if not agreed in advance
                          1. Reasonable timescale
                            1. Remedies


                              • Partial refund if you have had some benefit from the service Should give the contractor a chance to correct the work 
                            2. Evaluation


                              • Customers can get the price of their faulty goods refunded.  No need to have a written contract of sale for this - terms are implied in EVERY CONTRACT The rules will encourage businesses to make their products safe and durable. Goods must be as described - encourages fair promotion and advertising.  
                            3. Terms of the contract
                              1. assumptions


                                • Assumed that domestic arrangements will not be legally binding and COMMERCIAL arrangements will be legally binding
                                1. legal intent
                                  1. Exchange of value
                                    1. Consideration
                                      1. mere representations


                                        • words used in negotiation which do not form part of the contract
                                        1. Warranties


                                          • minor terms if breached, the consumer gets compensation but the rest of the contract can still operate.
                                          1. conditions


                                            • absolute terms. if a condition is breached the whole contrcat will fail
                                            1. misrepresentation


                                              • ' information' given during negotiation Induced you into signing the contract and was false Will void the contract "spice girls v aprilla" 
                                            2. Negligence Law
                                              1. basic elements of negligence
                                                1. foresiight


                                                  • means the defendant could have foreseen the damage
                                                  1. Duty of care
                                                    1. Donoghue v Stevenson


                                                      • snail in ginger beer   Case created a duty of care between manufacturers and their suppliers  
                                                      1. foresight
                                                        1. the D can foresee that C will be affected
                                                        2. proximity


                                                          • there is some kind of connection between claimant and defendant eg - teacher-student Driver- other road user Manufacturer - consumer 
                                                          1. fair just and reasonable


                                                            • it is fair and reasonable to impose a duty of care on the defendant
                                                        3. Breach of duty


                                                          • did the defendant act as a 'reasonable person'? Experts judged against standards of reasonable experts EG doctor should act like a reasonably skilled doctor  
                                                          1. Foreseeable damage


                                                            • should the defendant have been able to predict the sort of damage that has arisen?
                                                            1. possible defendants


                                                              • manufacturers suppliers repairers wholesalers assemblers retailers
                                                              1. EVALUATION


                                                                • hard for consumers to find out and PROVE IN COURT who is responsible for a defective product. hard to know who is liable Hard to know how the defect was caused - prove a breach. 
                                                              2. Product liability law
                                                                1. Consumer can claim from any part of the supply chain


                                                                  • producer eg - manufacturer, supplier, retailer, assembler, repairer,  wholesaler importer own-brander - someone who puts their own brand on a product made by someone else. 
                                                                  1. Consumer Protection Act 1987


                                                                    • the law which brings the EU directive into UK law
                                                                    1. What can be claimed for?


                                                                      • Death Injury damage to PERSONAL property amount must be OVER £275  
                                                                      1. restrictions


                                                                        • where customer has not used the product properly where customer has not followed warnings and instruction there will be NO LIABILITY 
                                                                        1. EVALUATION


                                                                          • All EU goods covered so can buy goods from anywhere with confidence.  Should promote vigilance amongst producers and improve products No need to show HOW breech occurred - easier for consumers   Can hold ANY PARTY  in the supply chain liable. Negatives.. Only personal property - can't claim for business damage. Only property OVER £275. leaves a lot of small claims with no remedy.   Too many defences makes claiming difficult.   
                                                                          1. what products are covered?


                                                                            • everything EXCEPT nuclear power buildings UNPROCESSED raw materials 
                                                                            1. defences


                                                                              • the damage arises because the product meets a regulation requirement The defect did not exist when the D had the product The defect could not have been reasonable known about The product was not sold in the course of business. 
                                                                            2. EU product safety directive
                                                                              1. Strict Liability


                                                                                • means claimant does not need to show HOW the product defect was caused.
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