Brown vs topeka board of education


Mind Map on Brown vs topeka board of education, created by kaylee.andrews on 11/05/2015.
Mind Map by kaylee.andrews, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kaylee.andrews almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Brown vs topeka board of education
  1. 1896 the US Supreme court had decided that segregated schools were legal so long as they were equal.
    1. in most cases they were not equal, schools for whites were much better funded.
      1. 1954 twenty states had segregated schools
        1. The NAACP challenged this inequality and chose to base its case on the situation in Topeka, Kansas
          1. In May 1954 the supreme court declared that segregated schools were illegal .
            1. in 1955 the supreme court ruled that all states had to carry out the policy of desegregating their schools
              1. Many southern states objected and either did nothing or moved very slowly.
              2. Very little had happened by the end of 1956.
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