Cycle of water


Mind map on water cycle for my geography exam on Monday the 8th of June.
Mind Map by grace.beardsley, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by grace.beardsley almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Cycle of water
  1. Evapotransporation
    1. Water vapour that comes from plants
    2. River flow
      1. Water flowing in a river
      2. Groundwater flow
        1. Water moving through rock
        2. Percolation
          1. Water moving into permable rock
          2. Throughflow
            1. Water moving through soil
            2. Infiltration
              1. Water moving into soil
              2. Run off
                1. Water running over surface of land
                2. Percipitation
                  1. Water falling in any form
                  2. Condensation
                    1. Water vapour cooled into water
                    2. Evaporation
                      1. Water turning into vapour
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