

TOPIC 3 Software
Rhys newlove
Mind Map by Rhys newlove, updated more than 1 year ago
Rhys newlove
Created by Rhys newlove over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. What is sofware
    1. There are different types of software that are produced for computer systems. This includes System software, Applications and Utilities
      1. DEFINITION: programs that run on a computer which control and make use of the hardware
      2. Utilities
        1. Surcurity such as anti-virus
        2. Applications
          1. System software is software that is written to control and make use of the hardware. It acts as an intermediary between the user and the hardware and also between the applications and the hardware.
          2. System software
            1. System software is software that is written to control and make use of the hardware. It acts as an intermediary between the user and the hardware and also between the applications and the hardware.
            2. Multitasking operating system
              1. A multitasking cmputer system allows the user to perform two tasks at once
              2. Types of software
                1. Costum
                  1. Off the shelf
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