Additional member system (AMS)


Mind Map on Additional member system (AMS), created by Gabrielle Hamer on 31/05/2015.
Gabrielle Hamer
Mind Map by Gabrielle Hamer, updated more than 1 year ago
Gabrielle Hamer
Created by Gabrielle Hamer over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Additional member system (AMS)
  1. Key
    1. Against
      1. For
      2. Unrepresentative party activists deciding who goes on the list
        1. Complex method of allocating seats with a longer waiting time for results could lead to voting confusion
          1. Proportional rep gives areas more than one representative (may lead to constituent confusion over constituency MP and regional MP) thus weakening the MP-Constituent link
            1. Coalition governments may be less stable than a majority govt. - if the government disagrees/remains divided it could fall or suffer from government deadlock.
              1. Can lead to smaller parties holding the balance of power between two larger parties
                1. Extremists have a better chance of gaining seats than under FPTP
                2. Accountability may be lost in a coalition where the smaller party is dictating however it is the larger party taking the responsibility.
                3. At least one effective vote meaning less wasted votes
                  1. Extends voter choice
                    1. Number of votes a party manages to gain is reflected in the amount of seats they are allocated.
                      1. Eliminates safe seats and could thus reduce voter apathy
                        1. Avoids phenomenon of marginal seats deciding the election result.
                        2. Smaller parties can gain better representation
                          1. Coalitions are more likely and two parties may be more representative than one.
                            1. Used in Scottish Parliament, Welsh Assembly and greater London assembly
                              1. Voters select the candidate they would like to represent their constituency (FPTP) and PR where voters elect candidates from several parties to represent them at a regional level
                                1. Hybrid system
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