The Roman Theatre


The Roman Theatre Mindmap.
Caroline Bohny
Mind Map by Caroline Bohny, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Oliver Hall
Created by Oliver Hall almost 9 years ago
Caroline Bohny
Copied by Caroline Bohny almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Roman Theatre
  1. Layout
    1. Semicircular
      1. No backdrop or scenery
        1. Large awning could be put out to protect against sun or rain
        2. Like at the Colesseum and the Circus Maximus a rich person holds the games in honor of the Gods
          1. In Rome usually the Emperor
          2. Actors
            1. Nearly always men
              1. As the audience were sometimes along way away from the stage, large masks were worn by the actor to portray their feelings
                1. In most plays the actors didn't speak
                  1. The audience spoke freely during the show
                  2. The job was low paid and considered just above beggars
                    1. Criminals were actually killed on stage for a death sequence
                    2. Day at the theatre
                      1. Shows lasted all day
                        1. Slave would go early in the day and save a seat and bring food for lunch
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