Circular Motion + Ocillations


A2 Module 2 Unit 1
Harry Archer
Mind Map by Harry Archer, updated more than 1 year ago
Harry Archer
Created by Harry Archer almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Circular Motion + Ocillations
  1. Circular Motion
    1. Angular Speed
      1. Angle an object rotates through per second
        1. ω = θ/t
          1. Linked to linear speed
            1. v = rω
          2. Fequencey and Period
            1. ω = 2πf
              1. ω = 2π/T
              2. Objects travelling in circles are accelerating since their velocity is always changing
                1. a = v^2/r
                  1. a = ω^2r
                    1. Created by a centripetal force acting towards the center of the circle
                      1. F = mv^2/r
                        1. F = mω^2r
                    2. Gravitational Fields
                      1. Motion of Masses
                        1. v = √GM/r
                          1. T = 2πr/v
                            1. Substitute for v
                              1. T^2 = (4π^2/GM)r^3
                          2. Geostationary satellites have the same angular speed as the earth turns below it
                            1. Kepler's 3rd Law
                              1. T^2 ∝ r^3
                            2. An object with mass will experience an attractive force when placed in the gravitational field of another object
                              1. Newton's Law of Gravitation
                                1. F = -GMm/r^2
                                  1. r = distance between center points
                                  2. This is an inverse square law
                                    1. F ∝ 1/r^2
                                  3. Gravitational field strength
                                    1. Force per unit mass
                                      1. g = F/m
                                        1. g = -GM/r^2
                                          1. Inverse square law applies
                                    2. Simple Harmonic Motion
                                      1. An object in SHM oscillates either side of a midpoint
                                        1. There is always a restoring force pushing the object back to the midpoint
                                          1. Restoring force exchanges PE and KE
                                            1. PE -> KE towards midpoint as restoring force does work
                                        2. Velocity
                                          1. Vmax = (2πf)A
                                          2. Acceleration
                                            1. amax = -(2πf)^2A
                                            2. Displacement
                                              1. Start at midpoint = Sin
                                                1. Start at amplitude = Cos
                                              2. Free and Forced Vibrations
                                                1. Free
                                                  1. No transfer of energy with surroundings
                                                    1. Keeps oscillating with the same amplitude forever
                                                    2. Forced
                                                      1. External driving force present
                                                        1. Frequency of the force = Driving frequency
                                                      2. Resonance
                                                        1. When Driving force = Natural Frequency
                                                          1. Damping
                                                            1. Reduces amplitude of oscillation over time
                                                              1. Critical Damping
                                                                1. Reduces amplitude in the shortest time possible
                                                                2. Overdamping takes longer to return to equilibrium than critical
                                                                  1. Decreases amplitude of resonance
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