3. The Communication Process. Functions of languages. Language in Use. Negotiation of meaning.


Oposición Temario 1993 Mind Map on 3. The Communication Process. Functions of languages. Language in Use. Negotiation of meaning., created by fcojavieralv on 22/10/2013.
Mind Map by fcojavieralv, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by fcojavieralv almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

3. The Communication Process. Functions of languages. Language in Use. Negotiation of meaning.
  1. 1. Introduction
    1. 2. The Communication Process
      1. 2.1. Types of Communication
        1. 2.2 The nature of Communication: Characteristics
          1. 2.3 Elements of the Communication process
            1. 2.4 The stages of the Communication Process
            2. 3. Language Functions
              1. 3.1 Jakobson's classification
                1. 3.2 Pragmatic classification: Halliday
                2. 4. Language in Use
                  1. 4.1 Speech Act
                    1. 4.2 Different dimensions of language use
                    2. 5. Negotiation of meaning
                      1. 5.1 Planning speech as problem solving
                        1. 5.2 Implied meaning and the cooperative principle
                        2. 6. Conclusion
                          1. 7. Curricular Links
                            1. 8. Bibliography
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