Chronic Venous Insufficiency


Mind Map on Chronic Venous Insufficiency, created by omola_yinka on 17/06/2015.
Mind Map by omola_yinka, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by nanarn1 almost 9 years ago
Copied by omola_yinka almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Chronic Venous Insufficiency
  1. Pathophysiology
    1. Arteries bring oxygen-rich blood from you heart to the rest of your body
      1. veins return oxygen-poor blood back to your heart
        1. when your leg veins cannot pump enough blood back to your heart
          1. you have CVI
      2. Epidemiology
        1. Blood pressure higher than normal long term inside your legs
          1. valve damage
            1. back flow of blood
            2. A Deep Vein Thrombosis or Phlebitis
              1. raise pressure and obstruct the flow
                1. Venous ulcer
          2. symptoms
            1. ankles may swell
              1. calves feel tight
                1. legs may feel heavy
                  1. tired
                    1. restless
                      1. achy
                      2. pain while walking or shortly after stopping
                      3. Risk factors
                        1. family history
                          1. overweight
                            1. pregnant
                              1. not excercising
                                1. smoking
                                  1. standing or setting for long periods of time
                                    1. age
                                      1. gender
                                        1. Female
                                        1. Crossing legs at the knee
                                    2. Wear constricting garments
                              2. CVI affects women more over age 30
                                1. Physical exercise
                              3. diagnosis
                                1. health history
                                  1. physical assessment
                                    1. measure blood pressure in bilateral legs
                                      1. duplex ultrasound
                                        1. a venogram
                                2. treatment
                                  1. sclerotherapy
                                    1. abalation
                                      1. vein stripping
                                        1. bypass
                                          1. valve repair
                                    2. angioplasty and stenting
                                      1. Legs elevation
                                        1. compression stockings
                                      2. clinical presentation
                                        1. leg pain when walking or standing
                                          1. relieve with rest
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