Preliminary Immersion


Initial mind-map of potential roles prior to title/job description change. Similar to fast-track or bench manager programs.
Mind Map by jmcapek, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jmcapek almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Preliminary Immersion
  1. Department Rotational Duties
    1. Ability to Meet Staff
      1. Ability to Work With Staff
        1. Ability to Learn From Staff
          1. Peak Gap Fill
            1. Develop Inclusion
      2. Community Outreach
        1. Professional Relationships
          1. Vet Visits
            1. Boutique Pet Stores
            2. Future Partners
              1. Scouts
                1. Schools
          2. Pre-Planning
            1. Fall/Winter Events
              1. Training Curriculum
                1. Employee
                  1. customer
                    1. Public
                    2. SOP Review
                    3. Social Planning
                      1. Blog
                        1. Meetup Group Setup
                          1. Pack Walks
                            1. Community Events
                              1. Sniff Events
                          2. Social Media
                          3. Team Building/ Motivation
                            1. Outing Planning
                              1. In-House
                              2. Introduction to Staff
                                1. Non Disclosure of future role
                                  1. Experience/Background
                                    1. Promotion of Brand Growth
                                      1. Promotion of staff growth
                                Show full summary Hide full summary


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