Unit 1 'Faces'


Main Objectives: using the present simple and continuous
Sophie Paige Hughes
Mind Map by Sophie Paige Hughes, updated more than 1 year ago
Sophie Paige Hughes
Created by Sophie Paige Hughes about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Unit 1 'Faces'
  1. Hobbies
    1. To like DOING:
      1. I like PLAYING football, I like cooking .etc
      2. To enjoy DOING
        1. I enjoy dancing and talking with my friends.
      3. Appearance
        1. VOCABULARY
          1. HAIR
            1. TEXTURE:wavy
              1. straight
                1. curly
                  1. spiky
                    1. LENGTH
                      1. short
                        1. long
                          1. COLOUR
                            1. dark, brown, black, blond, ginger, grey
                              1. Sarah has got long wavy black hair and green eyes.
            2. BODY
              1. Long-legged
                1. broad-shouldered
                  1. Well-built
                2. chubby
                  1. muscular
                    1. skinny
                      1. slim
                        1. unattractive
            3. Charateristics
              1. To seem: parecer (when describing someone you have just met)
                1. George's sister seems really friendly, she is very talkative and interested in what I have to say.
                2. VOCABULARY
                  1. Talkative: hablador
                    1. selfish: egoista
                      1. helpful: util
                        1. stubborn: obstinado
                          1. considerate: considerado
                            1. romantic: romantico
                              1. nosy: entrometido
                                1. calm: Tranquilo
                    2. big-headed
                      1. kind-hearted
                        1. short-tempered
                  2. GRAMMAR
                    1. present simple
                      1. positive
                        1. Negative
                          1. Question?
                          2. present continuous
                            1. NEGATIVE
                              1. Positive
                                1. Question?
                                2. SUFFIXES
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