World Development Mind Map


Geography Homework
Mind Map by sneha_123, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sneha_123 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

World Development Mind Map
  1. Measuring Development
    1. LEDCs
      1. Guinea
        1. 22.3% unemployed ⠀ Primary industry, e.g. fishing, mining ⠀ Low income ⠀ 55.2% under poverty ⠀ Estimated inflation rate of 9.1% in 2015 compared to 2014
        2. Nepal
          1. Corrupt government ⠀ Earthquake prone- can limit future growth by destroying buildings/crops. Thus country diverts to recover from these events (like the recent Gorkha Earthquake) ⠀ Landlocked- difficult to trade goods as there is no easy access to ship ports and difficult for new technology to reach because fibre optic cables are places under the sea.
          2. Afghanistan
            1. 35.1% unemployed ⠀ Male dominated society ⠀ Corruption ⠀ Inequality of wealth
            2. Ethiopia
              1. 39% of adult population are literate ⠀ High risk of fatal disease ⠀ Shortage of medical facilities and staff
              2. Burkina Faso
                1. GNP/capita: $240 ⠀ 5 doctors/100,000 people ⠀ Adult literacy rate: 22% (one of the lowest in the world) ⠀ Life expectancy: age 44 ⠀ Has 1 university only
              3. MEDCs
                1. France
                  1. Advanced healthcare- has one of the best healthcare systems in the world ⠀ One of the highest life expectancy rates (82 years) ⠀ World's highest amount of tourist arrivals
                  2. USA
                    1. Has good accessibility with trade, as the country has over 500 ports ⠀ Top 5 in worlds highest literacy rate ⠀ Good government spending priorities- not corrupt ⠀ Manufactures mass market goods with a huge market
                    2. UAE
                      1. Natural resources found- like large oil deposits that make up 10th of the world's oil reserve ⠀Prime location for international trade ⠀ Historyically productive relationship with UK that grants them access to exclusive western investments and partnerships
                      2. Singapore
                        1. Has world class school systems with some of the top secondary schools in the world ⠀ One of the highest life expectancy rates (83 years) ⠀ Economically advanced manufacturing sector ⠀ Situated at a strategic location for natural harbour and trade
                        2. Luxembourg
                          1. Highest GDP/year in the world ($ 60.13 billion) ⠀ literacy rate is 100% ⠀ Large amount of private industries, mostly in banking, communications and transportation ⠀ Low unemployment rate of 5.5 percent
                        3. North South Divide
                        4. World Trade
                          1. Definition: World Trade is the exchange of goods and services between one country and another, around the world.
                            1. Imports: Goods that are brought into a country
                              1. Exports: Goods that are sold to another country
                                1. MEDCs usually export valuable manufactured goods such as electronics and cars. They import cheaper primary products like tea and coffee. For LEDCs, they do the opposite- import valuable manufactured goods and export primary products.
                                  1. Interdependence: LEDCs are dependent on MEDCs for manufactured goods and aid, as well as income for tourism. MEDCs are dependent on LEDCs for primary products such as steel or iron and require them to provide good hospitality for some holiday destinations.
                                    1. The price of primary products fluctuates on the world market which means that workers and producers in LEDCs lose out when the price drops. LEDCs have little purchasing power, making it difficult for them to pay off their debts and stay away from poverty. The price of manufactured goods is steadier which means that MEDCs always benefit.
                                      1. Trade around the world can sometimes be unfair. Workers in primary industries often lose out by receiving low wages and having poor standards of living. They can't afford for their children's education, sometimes resulting on child workers. Therefore, fair trade products were introduced to make LEDCs make more money. This means that the producer receives a guaranteed and fair price for their product (regardless of the price on the world market). Thus, their and their family's quality of life will improve.
                                      2. Population Growth
                                        1. Definition: Population growth is the increase in the number of people that live in a country, state, city or any other wide area.
                                          1. Causes: Population numbers that change over time are influenced by births, deaths and migration in and out of the area. Global population levels are now rising- having grown slowly for most of human history.
                                            1. The statistics below show the highest and lowest population growth rate in 2014. It is calculated by the population growth compared to its population from last year. Greatest population growth: Lebanon (up 9.37%) Least population growth: Syria (down 9.73%)
                                              1. Population will decline if death rate is greater than birth rate. Population will increase if death rate is less than birth rate.
                                                1. To determine whether there has been population growth, the following formula is used: (birth rate + immigration) - (death rate + emigration). Businesses/governmental bodies use this information to make estimations about investing in certain communities, accordingly. The rate of any population increase- or possibly decrease- is given as a percentage, calculated by dividing the increase by 10.
                                                2. MEDCs generally have low population growth rates, with low death rates and low birth rates. LEDCs are most likely have high population growth rates with a younger and faster growing population than MEDCs. Both birth rates and death rates in LEDCs tend to be high.
                                                3. Key Words
                                                  1. LEDC: Less Economically Developed Country
                                                    1. MEDC: More Economically Developed Country
                                                      1. GDP: Gross National Product is the total value of goods and services produced by a country
                                                        1. Inflation: How much the prices of goods, wages and services increase each year. High inflation can be bad, suggesting that the government lacks control over the economy
                                                        2. Poverty
                                                          1. Definition: Poverty is the lack of basic human needs- such as clean water, nutrition health care, education, clothing and shelter due to the inability to afford them. Most people who are undergoing poverty earn very small incomes; eg £1 a day or less. Poverty is a broad concept, which includes social, economic, and political elements. Most of the time, poverty is closely related to inequality.
                                                            1. Causes: The causes of poverty include changing trends in a country’s economy, corruption, national debt, overpopulation, epidemic diseases (such as AIDS and malaria) and environmental problems (such as lack of rainfall or vulnerability to natural disasters). One of the main causes of poverty is a lack of money.
                                                              1. Statistics: Around 21,000 people die every day around the world. Just under 7.6 million children die every year ⠀ Almost half the world — over 3 billion people — live on less than £2 a day ⠀ The GDP of the 41 Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (567 million people) is less than the wealth of the world’s 7 richest people combined
                                                              2. Hunger
                                                                1. Definition: A condition of people who frequently experience the physical sensation of desiring to eat food.
                                                                  1. Malnutrition: a condition caused by improper diet or nutrition.
                                                                    1. Famine: extreme scarcity of food in a country or wide geographical area.
                                                                      1. Starvation: a state of exhaustion of the body caused by lack of food. Starvation can lead to death.
                                                                        1. Statistics: 925 million people do not have enough to eat, yet 1.2 billion suffer from obesity ⠀ 1 in 8 people go hungry to bed ⠀ More that 50% of the world's underweight children are located in South Asia ⠀ Overall, £20 billion worth of food is thrown away, every year
                                                                          1. Why we still have hunger in the world (causes of hunger): Natural disasters, climate/weather, fluctuating market prices, conflicts, poverty, and poor agricultural systems. Inequality of wealth around the world is very high, too. It costs on average 25 cents a day to feed a hungry child. However, some people don't have enough money to spend 25 cents a day but some people have more than enough.
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