What the unit going to be about


Mind Map on What the unit going to be about, created by Kevyn Andree Aguilar García on 09/07/2021.
Kevyn Andree Aguilar García
Mind Map by Kevyn Andree Aguilar García, updated more than 1 year ago
Kevyn Andree Aguilar García
Created by Kevyn Andree Aguilar García about 3 years ago

Resource summary

What the unit going to be about
  1. music
    1. Harmony: Balance, proportion and proper correspondence between the different things in a set
      1. Rhythm: A way of succeeding and alternating a series of sounds that are repeated periodically in a certain interval of time, especially the way in which sounds different in intensity (strong and weak) or duration (long and weak) occur and alternate in an artistic work. brief).
      2. films
        1. Frozen 2
          1. Frozen
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