Phrasal Verbs


how to learn phrasal verbs.
Samantha Chávez González
Mind Map by Samantha Chávez González, updated more than 1 year ago
Samantha Chávez González
Created by Samantha Chávez González about 3 years ago

Resource summary

Phrasal Verbs
  1. What is it?
    1. it's a verb + preposition/particle combination that may have more than one meaning.
      1. Examples
        1. come across meet one or give an impression of being
          1. When you come across a phrasal verb, write it down in an example of your own.
            1. He can come across as unfriendly when you first meet him.
              1. Or you could say He can come over as unfriendly.
      2. There is usually an alternative way in which you can say the same thing using a single verb.
        1. Examples
          1. instead of put forward a plan you can propose a plan
            1. instead of rush into a decision you can make a hasty decision.
          2. LEARNING THEM
            1. VERB
              1. come
                1. come over
                  1. travel to one place from another
                    1. Sandro’s family came over from Italy for the wedding.
                  2. come off
                    1. happen successfully
                      1. I hope our plans to visit Russia come off.
                    2. come under
                      1. experience something (usually unpleasant)
                        1. The proposal has come under a lot of criticism.
                      2. come up
                        1. occur unexpectedly
                          1. work in the US If the opportunity tocomes up, you must take it.
                        2. come against
                          1. have to deal with a problem or difficulty
                            1. Our plan has come up against some obstacles.
                      3. PREPOSITION OR PARTICLE
                        1. It can help you understand the meaning of the phrasal verb
                          1. Example
                            1. Often convey an idea of continuing over a period of time.
                              1. ON
                                1. Selina decided to stay on at university and do a Master’s degree.


                                  • remain
                                  1. Try not to dwell on the past.


                                    • keep thinking about, usually something unpleasant.
                                    1. I didn’t expect platform shoes to catch on.


                                      • become popular
                                      1. I wish she’d stop going on about her new car.


                                        • talking at length
                                        1. The crowd was urging the runners on.


                                          • encouraging
                                          1. The weather was terrible but the climbers pressed on regardless.


                                            • continued in a determined way
                                  2. TOPIC
                                    1. By context
                                      1. WORK
                                        1. I need to brush up on my computer skills for my new job.


                                          • improve knowledge of something already learnt but partly forgotten
                                          1. The company laid off half its staff during the recession.


                                            • stopped employing
                                            1. Tomorrow’s meeting has been called off because Jack is ill.


                                              • cancelled
                                              1. Sasha has thrown himself into his new job.


                                                • start doing something with great energy
                                                1. It took me a few weeks to settle in at my new office.


                                                  • feel relaxed and happy
                                                  1. It took me ages to put together the report.


                                                    • prepare by collecting information from several sources
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