Sab7#143 Procurement Systems


Mind Map on Sab7#143 Procurement Systems, created by mserrano on 02/09/2015.
Mind Map by mserrano, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mserrano about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Sab7#143 Procurement Systems
  1. The Sellers proposals are usually reviwed, compared, or sdelected by the evaluation committe using one or a combination of the formal, structured precesses
    1. Screening System
      1. Eliminate contractors who do not meet the minimum requirements of the selection criteria
      2. Weigth System
        1. Evaluates and selects contractors that best meet the selection criteria , assigning a weight to each requirement
        2. Independent Estimates
          1. The buyer may compare the sellers proposed cost with an estimate created in house or with outside assistance.
          2. Past Performance History
            1. The buyer may consider their past history with the prospective sellers in determining wich seller to award the procurement to
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