

how to facilitate knowledge sharing towards BI developers
Mind Map by ninkthita, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ninkthita over 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Barriers and Challenges
    1. Shortage of BI Developers
      1. Investment Budget
        1. External Barriers
          1. New Technologies
            1. The complexities of business data
            2. Internal barriers
              1. Lack of trust
                1. Team closeness
                  1. Lack of awareness
                    1. No immediate benefit or reward
                  2. Activities and tools that facilitate knowledge sharing on an individual level
                    1. Activities
                      1. face-to-face communication
                        1. the meeting session
                          1. a lot of knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer
                            1. encourage challenge
                          2. formal training
                            1. enable knowledge creation
                            2. peer to peer knowledge sharing
                              1. On the job training
                              2. Tools
                                1. Communication tools
                                  1. SAP Community network (SCN)
                                    1. a lot of knowledge sharing
                                      1. Q&A
                                      2. Backlog
                                        1. part1: keep project historical (easy to track the project)
                                      3. Company websites
                                        1. KM sites
                                        2. case study
                                      4. Activities and tools that facilitate knowledge creation on an individual level
                                        1. Activities
                                          1. meeting session
                                            1. sparkling idea
                                            2. formal training
                                              1. a lot of knowledge transfer
                                          2. Activities and tools that facilitate knowledge sharing on a team level
                                            1. Activities
                                              1. formal and informal communication
                                                1. conference
                                                  1. the meeting session
                                                  2. Tools
                                                    1. Backlog
                                                      1. part1: keep project historical
                                                        1. assist developers to track their tasks
                                                        2. part2: web board for sharing knowledge
                                                          1. Q&A pages
                                                        3. Communication tools
                                                          1. Google talk
                                                            1. WhatsApp
                                                              1. LINE
                                                          2. Activities that facilitate knowledge creation on team level
                                                            1. Innovation contest
                                                              1. use existing knowledge and create new idea in team
                                                              2. the meeting session
                                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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